Vodi is the new, fun and free messaging app that rewards you for staying connected. Text, call and video call for FREE. But there’s a lot more! Vodi lets you send eGift cards, recharge your or your friend’s prepaid mobile minutes, and make international calls anywhere in the world—all while earning V-Coins that can be redeemed for exciting rewards!
Vodi is the only messaging app that puts money in your pocket. You can potentially get $10 USD or more per month in rewards just for staying connected.
• Unlimited and free texting, voice calling and high-quality video calling over WiFi, 3G, 4G, and LTE
• Make international calls with Vodi Out from anywhere to anywhere
• Shop for yourself or send eGift cards to friends and family in the U.S. and Mexico, with more than 100 popular brands to choose from
• Recharge prepaid mobile minutes for yourself or loved ones in more than 135 countries and 390 mobile destinations
• Share photos and videos with friends and family</br></br></br></br></br></br></br>